外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 Earth first Listening and speaking 课件 您所在的位置:网站首页 earth first 课件 外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 Earth first Listening and speaking 课件

外研版(2019)必修第二册Unit 6 Earth first Listening and speaking 课件

2024-07-02 03:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共19张PPT)Unit 6 Earth firstListening and speakingby AdaDealing with global warming1 Share what you know about these expressions.Dealing with global warming1 Share what you know about these expressions.water conservation节约用水LED bulbLED 灯泡可重复使用的水瓶reusable water bottleDealing with global warming1 Share what you know about these expressions.renewable energy可再生能源Dealing with global warming1 Share what you know about these expressions.greenhouse effect温室效应Dealing with global warming1 Share what you know about these expressions.carbon footprint碳足迹Dealing with global warming2 Complete the brochure with the expressions in Activity 1.Six things you can do NOW to help stop global warmingReduce waste by choosing reusable products -- get a(n)1 , for example.Try to reduce your2 . Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a car.Use3 such as solar energy and wind power.The less energy you use, the less carbon dioxide is released. Replacing a regular light bulb with a(n)4 is a good start.5 is important because clean water is a limited resource. Also, we use a lot of energy to process clean water.Planting trees can help a lot in reducing the6 ,because trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air.renewable water bottlecarbon footprintrenewable energyLED bulbWater conservationgreenhouse effectEnvironmental problems to be solvedDid you know Smog comes from the words “smoke” and “fog”, and it is used to describe the air pollution in cities caused mainly by traffic and factories. Smog can be dangerous because it causes severe breathing problems and infections.Listening1 Listen to the lecture and choose the topics that are covered.1 What the word “smog” means.2 When the word “smog” appeared.3 What caused smog in the past.4 What causes smog now.5 The effects of smog on the environment.6 How governments try to reduce smog.7 What will happen if we don’t reduce smog.ListeningSmog in the presentCauses of the problem:4 . and factories.Measures: rules about using5 in factories and6 .in the city centre.Smog in the pastTerm created in:1 .Big problem in London:2 in Dec. 1952Causes of the problem:burning too much coal and3 .1900sThe Great Smogno windchemicals coming from trafficchemicalsrequirements of paying to drive2 Listen again and complete the slides.ListeningNow talk about what the students say to interrupt the lecture politely. Listen again if necessary.Lecturer:Student A:Good evening, everyone, and thank you for coming to today’s talk. I’m Dr Brown and I’m going to talk about air pollution in cities -- what we all know as “smog”. Please feel free to stop me if you have any questions. So, first of all, a bit history. The term “smog” was first used in the 1800s in cities that had problems with smoke and fog.Sorry for interrupting, but I believe it was in the 1900s.ListeningNow talk about what the students say to interrupt the lecture politely. Listen again if necessary.Lecturer:Student B:Sorry, I made a mistake. You are right. It was in the 1900s. Thank you. London was one of the cities where smog caused big problems. In December 1952, it suffered from “The Great Smog”. It was a very cold winter, so a lot of coal was burned at home and in the factories. The problem was that there was no wind, so thick smog covered the city. Nowadays...Excuse me, but can I just ask -- did the smog cause any death ListeningNow talk about what the students say to interrupt the lecture politely. Listen again if necessary.Lecturer:Student A:I’m afraid so. According to research, about 4,000 people are known to have died as a result of the smog. but that number could be much higher. It was terrible! Nowadays, smog still exists, but is produced by chemicals coming from traffic and factories. However, governments are taking measures to reduce smog as much as possible. Now, let’s look at what smog does to our health...If I could just stop you again... Can you give us examples of these measures ListeningNow talk about what the students say to interrupt the lecture politely. Listen again if necessary.Lecturer:Well, for example, factories must follow rules what chemicals they use. In some cities, when there’s smog, people have to pay to drive in the centre. Now, let’s move on to the impact of smog on our health...ListeningNow talk about what the students say to interrupt the lecture politely. Listen again if necessary.A polite interruption is usually framed as a request for permission to interrupt someone, often starting with if..., may I... or Can I... This may be preceded with an apology such as Sorry,... or Excuse me,... Usually we interrupt someone when they pause for breath, or during the slight pause between spoken clauses.Listening3 Work in pairs and talk about recycling.Student ATell Student B about recycling using the information below. Be prepared to be corrected by Student B. The classification of household waste aims to help people separate different types of waste. This is important because these diferent types of waste can be disposed of or recycled appropriately and effectively Household waste can be roughly divided into:food waste; non-recyclable waste; recyclable waste, including paper, glass, plastic and used batteries. China plans to introduce household waste classification and sorting in the first batch of cities by 2020. Only Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Chongqing are included in the first batch. The target recycling rate in these cities has been set at55% by 2020.Listening3 Work in pairs and talk about recycling.Student BListen to Student A talking about recycling. Interrupt politely to correct him / her using the following information: Used batteries are usually regarded as non-recyclable waste and should be disposed of separately. The first batch of cities to introduce household waste classification and sorting includes Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and all capitals of provinces and autonomous regions. The target recycling rate in these cities has been set at35% by 2020.Using language4 Work in pairs. Talk about another environmental problem and have a similar conversation.Thank you for watching








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